“Greg ruins Xonuts,” mused Dave. “He always ruins it. Every time he comes, we have a bad experience. Remember Tonuts? Remember [name of other diner redacted]?”
Bo concurred. “You know, you’re right. We shouldn’t invite him anymore.”
“You know, guys, I’m right here, ” said Greg (who was witness to this exchange). He then kindly reminded them both that he had also been a part of the Fifth Frame success.
Bo and Dave conceded that maybe, just maybe, Greg wasn’t to blame for mediocre experiences.
They would later recant that concession.
The Country Club Diner is a mediocre diner with mediocre service and mediocre food. It’s great if you are used to sub-par breakfast excursions, but don’t plan on it for anything more than convenience and predictably okay food.
The specials looked promising:
But Bo’s Blueberry French Toast was nothing more than blueberries installed on mediocre French Toast. But there was real maple syrup hidden in his jacket pocket. An trick up his sleeve. An ace in the hole. A muskrat in his sights. (It’s an expression).
The regular menu boasted a regular menu:
Dave’s regular eggs, shred potatoes, and English Muffins were regular. The eggs were actually sunny side up on the outside, but over-medium on the inside. Pat would have approved. Dave was not amused (though he wondered how this feat was accomplished…).
Greg’s artichoke omelette sounded good. He did not articulate his opinion, though, so Bo and Dave were left wondering if it was mediocre, sub-mediocre, or super-mediocre.
Bike decor littered the golfer restaurant (odd).
But the real, 100% genuine skylight was refreshing.
Overall, a medicore 9 out of 10.
Don’t Miss: The specials. They are probably better than the mediocre regular menu (hopefully).
Pro-Tip: The booth diametrically opposite the door offers some sound protection from the only other booth with people in it that is unnecessarily loud.