Tag: rochester
“With a hefty, happy appetite he’s a hefty, happy Pooh” Heft. You want it in your french toast. You want it in your sausage. You want it in your eating-plates. You will get all three […]
“You shall have camels, horses, an armed escort, provisions, desert vehicles and tanks.” The public market. Early a-morn on a weekday, it’s slightly abandoned, slightly just a-wake. But go on a market day, and you’ll […]
aka Goody’s Red Wing Restaurant On a quiet corner in the El Camino neighborhood lies Mr. Goody’s, at its opening hour of 8 a.m. Enjoy the quietude while you can! By 9 a.m., the area […]
Damage destructor. Crowd disruptor. You corrupter. Everytimer! Morgan’s cereal bar is plopped right onto East Avenue, next to Veneto, kitty corner (kitty wampus for you Minnesotans) from the ol’ Cadillac dealership. In the East Avenue […]
“Why is a raven like a writing desk?” – Dave, amid his descent into madness 2018 Dave’s Choice for Best Savory Menu Item (Queen’s benedict) Wheee! You step inside and knock the snow off your boots. […]
Regulars. The original xonuts. Donuts. Donuts classic. We were regulars here before we went anywhere else. Then, later, we expanded to Ridge Donuts (“Ronuts”) and some other places like Bob’s Diner (Bonuts) and Taco Bell […]