Bagel Pub

Bagel pub is one of those places where, if you’re around, you hafta go. It’s a big black corner store and the line, on weekends especially, wraps around the restaurant. Are they buying cabbage patch kids or power rangers? No. They’re ordering bagels.

Go there early enough in the morn, and you’ll be able to slip out, slip back, no one the wiser.

In the early a.m. (which is when we recommend you go, Dear Reader), it would take you longer, perhaps, to read the menu(s) than it would for you to receive your orderings!

There are theories about why bagels in New York City taste better. Better than what, you ask? Just better. Just. … Better. Rest assured, Bagel Pub, being located in one of the five boroughs that comprise New York City, serves better bagels.

Pumpernickel with the normal amount of cream cheese they give you.

With 10 as a must-eat, this dining experience rates a 9.

Pro Tip: We already said it. Go right when they open (like 6 a.m.).

Don’t Miss: The pumpernickel everything bagel and/or the iced banana latte (made with real bananas!).

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